Making a grandmother's day
Life is too short. In this episode, I share a trip with my Granny and remind myself that it is never too late. And that’s why I’m starting this today. Because… why not? It is never too late.
Life is too short. In this episode, I share a trip with my Granny and remind myself that it is never too late. And that’s why I’m starting this today. Because… why not? It is never too late. Regarding a podcast, several people have told me “just do it” and “you’re the only thing in your way”. They are so right. It’s only a few minutes long, but that’s okay, you got to start somewhere.
Thank you for taking a chance on this podcast. The production quality is iffy. The theme music is a bit funny, but it's here and it's happening. That is all that matters. The rest will come with time and practice.If you are seeing this, you are a dear friend... or my mother. Either way, thanks.
Special thanks to Ryan Aldrich, Ryan Krupa, and Steve Chapron. Friends who provide kind reminders that I haven't hit the publish button.
Oh, yeah, I promised a time-lapsed video from Mount Rushmore.
I bothered to bring my tripod with us and I was happy I did. Here is a glimpse of what we experienced.
Mount Rusmore — Lighting Ceremony from Donald Pendagast on Vimeo.